NRP EVIDEnT cooperates with Baltic Earth

Hits: 2525

NRP EVIDEnT cooperates with Baltic Earth (Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea Region). The goal of Baltic Earth is to achieve an improved Earth system understanding of the Baltic Sea region. Baltic Earth is the successor to BALTEX that was terminated in June 2013 after 20 years and two successful phases. The research components of BALTEX continue to be relevant, but now have a more holistic focus encompassing processes in the atmosphere, on land and in the sea, as well as processes and impacts related to the anthroposphere. Specific interdisciplinary research challenges have been formulated by the Baltic Earth Interim Science Steering Group to be approached by the new programme in the coming years.

For more information about Baltic Earth clik here.

Strategic advisory board of National Research Program “The value and dynamic of Latvia`s ecosystems under changing climate –EVIDEnT”

Hits: 3700

According to 4 paragraph, chapterNo. IV of National Research Programme 2014- 2017 regulations to ensure scientific monitoring (implementation of targets and tasks) of National Research Program " The value and dynamic of Latvia`s ecosystems under changing climate - EVIDEnT" (hereinafter - NRP EVIDEnT) the Strategic advisory boardis established in the following composition:

Dr. Juris Aigars - NRP EVIDEnT coordinator, Senior researcher in Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Project managers    
Dr. Anda Ikauniece - NRP EVIDEnT 1. project manager, Senior Researcher in Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Dr. Solvita Strāķe - NRP EVIDEnT 2. project manager, Senior researcher in Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Dr. Gaidis Klāvs - NRP EVIDEnT 3. project manager, Senior researcher in Institute of Physical Energetics
Dr. Guntis Brūmelis - NRP EVIDEnT 4. project manager, Senior researcher in University of Latvia Faculty of Biology
Dr. Andis Kalvāns - NRP EVIDEnT 5. project manager, Senior researcher in University of Latvia Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
Representatives of science    
Dr. Rogier Schulte - Teagasc, Irish Agriculture & Food Development Authority
Dr. Darius Daunys - Professor, Klaipeda University Faculty ofNatural Sciences and Mathematics
Representatives of industries    
Vilis Avotiņš -

Representative from Freeport of Riga

Guna Smilga - Representative fromFreeport of Riga
Guntis Drunka - Representative from Freeport of Ventspils
Guntis Beļskis - Representative from Freeport of Liepaja
Andris Vīksna - Representative fromstate Ltd "Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre"
Representatives of public administration  
Inga Belasova - Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Nature Protection Department
Baiba Zasa - Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Environmental Protection Department
Agita Gancone - Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Climate Change Department
Ieva Bruņeniece - Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Climate Change Department
Kristīne Sirmā - Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture Department
Ieva Līcīte - Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture Department
Hanna-Sisko Mattila - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Finland)

Summary of the programme

Hits: 7933

Research program EVIDEnT addresses all 10 tasks of 1st Priority “Environment, Climate and Energy” subtask 1.2 “Environment and Climate” of the State research program for 2014-2017. Program is structured in 5 projects. 1st Project (Tasks 1 and 2 of Tender) will adapt/elaborate models for wind fields, wave and current dynamic, developed wave and current measurement sensor prototypes and performed field measurements, and performed food chain study in system lake-river-sea. 2nd Project (Task 3 of Tender) will investigate introduced species in freshwater ecosystem (HEP reservoir), port and adjacent to them areas, and in the sea. 3rd Project (Tasks 4, 5 and 9 of Tender) will develop tool to estimate air emissions and calculate future scenarios, survey farms and estimate GHG emissions from agricultural sector, and estimate integral impact from forestry. 4th Project (Tasks 7 and 8 of Tender) will perform studies of biodiversity on all levels, model biotopes and estimate monetary value of selected ecosystem services. 5th Project will develop climatic scenarios including extreme events, develop/improve hydrogeological model including infiltration from surface water measurements..

NRP EVIDEnT Kick-Off meeting

Hits: 2178

On January 15, 2015 National Research Program (NRP) EVIDEnT will have kick-off meeting, where all involved authorities will meet.

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