Summary of the programme

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Research program EVIDEnT addresses all 10 tasks of 1st Priority “Environment, Climate and Energy” subtask 1.2 “Environment and Climate” of the State research program for 2014-2017. Program is structured in 5 projects. 1st Project (Tasks 1 and 2 of Tender) will adapt/elaborate models for wind fields, wave and current dynamic, developed wave and current measurement sensor prototypes and performed field measurements, and performed food chain study in system lake-river-sea. 2nd Project (Task 3 of Tender) will investigate introduced species in freshwater ecosystem (HEP reservoir), port and adjacent to them areas, and in the sea. 3rd Project (Tasks 4, 5 and 9 of Tender) will develop tool to estimate air emissions and calculate future scenarios, survey farms and estimate GHG emissions from agricultural sector, and estimate integral impact from forestry. 4th Project (Tasks 7 and 8 of Tender) will perform studies of biodiversity on all levels, model biotopes and estimate monetary value of selected ecosystem services. 5th Project will develop climatic scenarios including extreme events, develop/improve hydrogeological model including infiltration from surface water measurements..

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